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I have embraced a life calling to strengthen and encourage others and I work alongside leaders and organizations who are ready to accept their current reality and embrace change.

I am a feedback professional who listens for and discerns patterns within a person or system and puts it together to produce a collaborative (and creative) solution for change.


Put another way, I set the table for my clients to turn their unique snakes into ladders of opportunities.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

-Wayne Dyer

My clients are courageous leaders willing to take responsibility for where they find themselves and their organizations and ready to think, work and lead differently.


Together we move from a “can’t because…” to a “can, if…” mindset. In this game of Snakes and Ladders, the snakes become unique ladders of opportunity. Purposes become clear and attainable. Cultures become positive, collaborative and innovative. Teams and organizations become resilient, resourceful and joyful. And this mindset becomes the cornerstone for a life well and joyously lived.

“In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.”

-Albert Einstein

For over three decades, I’ve worked with businesses and organizations to assist them in responding to change, adapting their leadership approach, improving culture, and refining their vision and mission. As a mentor, coach, facilitator and speaker I use positivity, curiosity, story and proven tools to inspire meaningful goals and action plans that achieve results.


I am also grateful and honoured to be the founder and Executive Director of the internationally recognized charity CanU, the University of Can, and the President of Berrington & Associates. 

At the core of all I do is the drive to inspire hope, identify strengths and help my clients overcome inevitable setbacks and constraints.

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